Saturday, November 18, 2006

Hot at Hopkins

I think you should know that one of my roommates makes all the girls swoon:

He's pictured with me in our Halloween costumes.

And it's true, he really does talk like a 50 year old man. He calls me and the other female roommates the "peanut gallery." And likes to let me know that he "takes offense" to some of my more offhand comments.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Hallow's Eve, or the Eve of Hallows

Can you guess who I was for Halloween? You can't really get the full effect of the hair, I apologize. The party was very fun. No candy, but good tequila.


This is from the heart of Bologna, the famous Fontana dell Nettuno, Piazza Maggiore.

As for me, I split my time between home and school. At home I cook yummy things, sleep, and read (study) in bed or next to the radiator where it's warm.

And I never get mail, so if you'd like to remedy that situation you can get my address from the bottom of my emails and send me something pretty, or at least written.