Monday, September 11, 2006


This is the longest I've spent on the internet since I arrived in Italy 2 1/2 weeks ago: 4 hours. So I have time to blog a little bit. My roommates and I are trying to get internet with Fasweb--but it's turning out to be Slowweb in a major way. So I depend on my school for internet, and my school center isn't keeping very long hours so far so here I am. Yesterday some roomies and friends and I went on yet another hike among the hills of Bologna. We went up to the Basilica di San Luca, which houses a depection of the Madonna and baby Jesus by St. Luke himself. To hike up to the Basilica di San Luca, you travel through 666 portici, or archways, so you're in the shade the entire time.

I have 5 roomies (coinquilini) and we get along great. Just about every night, we prepare and share a meal usually consisting of pasta. We all enjoy eating pretty much the same things, so it hasn't been difficult satisfying all palates at once. I'm glad to live in an apartment with so many people--especially since we are getting along so well.


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